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CAIS Report Card Glossary

CAIS Compliance Summary

Last Updated: 05/28/2024

Report Card Field Name


Industry Member Firm NameName of the Industry Member as of the last calendar day of the Report Card month.
Industry Member Firm CRDCRD of the Industry Member.
PeriodReport Card month and year.
VersionVersion number of the Report Card for the Period.
Correspondent CRDSelect and view Report Card statistics by: 
•    Individual Correspondent;
•    All Correspondents;
•    SELF

Firm CAIS Compliance Error Rate*

CAIS Compliance Error Percentage for the Industry Member (Firm CAIS Compliance Error Count / Processed Records Count). 

Firm CAIS Compliance Error Count

The total number of FDID and Customer records for the Industry Member subject to the CAIS Compliance Error Rate calculation for the month (FDID Late Repaired Records Count + FDID Outstanding Records Count + Customer Late Repaired Records Count + Outstanding Customer Records Count).

Processed Record Count

The total number of FDID and Customer records submitted to CAIS via any submission method. If a file failed at file integrity stage, the number of records in the file are NOT included in this count.

Days Exceeding 5% CAIS Compliance Rate

Number of days during the month the Industry Member exceeded the Maximum CAIS Compliance Error Rate of 5%. 


Placeholder field will be NULL until implemented in a future release. 

Peer Group CAIS Compliance Error Rate

Placeholder field will be NULL until implemented in a future release.

Total CAIS Compliance Error Percentage of the Industry Member’s Peer Group (Firm CAIS Compliance Error Records Count during the month for all of Industry Members in the same Peer Group / Processed Records Count during the month for all Industry Members in the same Peer Group). 

Industry CAIS Compliance Error Rate

CAIS Compliance Error Percentage for the Industry (Firm CAIS Compliance Error Records Count for all Industry Members that reported during the month / Processed Record Count for all Industry Members that reported during the month). 

FDID Submission Details

FDID Compliance Error Rate

Percentage of FDID Record errors (FDID Compliance Error Count / FDID Records Processed Count).

FDID Compliance Error Count

The total number of FDID Record errors (FDID Late Repaired Records Count + FDID Outstanding Records Count).

FDID Records Processed Count

The number of FDID Records submitted to CAIS via any submission method by the Industry Member during the month. An FDID Record submitted in multiple submissions over the course of the month would be counted each time it is submitted. Each processed record is attributed to the date of processing.

FDID Records Accepted Count

The number of FDID Records submitted and accepted into CAIS with no data validation errors on each processing date. Each accepted record is attributed to the date of processing.

FDID Records Rejected Count

The number of FDID Records that were rejected on each processing date by the CAIS validation engine due to the FDID submission having at least one data validation error. Each rejected record is attributed to the date of processing.

FDID Records Rejected RatePercentage of rejected FDID Records (FDID Records Rejected Count / FDID Records Processed Count).

FDID Records Repaired Count

The number of rejected FDID Records that were repaired. 

FDID Record Repaired Rate

Percentage of repaired FDID Records (FDID Records Repaired Count / FDID Records Rejected Count). 

FDID Late Repaired Record Count

The number of rejected FDIDs which were repaired after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Any late attempt to repair a record (i.e. resubmission of an FDID currently having an error) will count as a late repair for report card purposes. Each repair is attributed to the date of rejection, not the date on which the repair itself was processed.

FDID Late Repaired Record Rate

Percentage of late repaired FDID Records (FDID Late Repaired Records Count / FDID Records Repaired Count). 

FDID Outstanding Record Count

The number of rejected FDID Records for which no repairs were attempted (FDID Records Rejected Count – FDID Records Repaired Count). 

FDID Outstanding Record Rate

Percentage of outstanding FDID errors (FDID Outstanding Records Count / FDID Records Rejected Count).

Customer Submission Details

Customer Compliance Error Rate

Percentage of Customer Record errors (Customer Compliance Error Count / Customer Records Processed Count).

Customer Compliance Error Count

The total number of Customer Record errors (Late Repaired Records Count + Customer Outstanding Records Count).

Customer Records Processed Count

The number of Customer Record submitted to CAIS via any submission method by the Industry Member during the month. A Customer Record submitted in multiple submissions over the course of the month would be counted each time it is submitted. Each processed record is attributed to the date of processing.

Customer Records Accepted Count

The number of Customer Records submitted and accepted into CAIS with no data validation errors on each processing date. Each accepted record is attributed to the date of processing. 

Customer Records Rejected Count

The number of Customer Records that were rejected on each processing date by the CAIS validation engine due to the Customer submission having at least one data validation error. Each rejected record is attributed to the date of processing.

Customer Records Rejected RatePercentage of rejected Customer Records (Customer Records Rejected Count / Customer Records Processed Count).

Customer Records Repaired Count

The number of rejected Customer Records that were repaired.

Customer Record Repaired Rate

Percentage of repaired Customer Records (Customer Records Repaired Count / Customer Records Rejected Count).

Customer Late Repaired Records Count

The number of outstanding rejected Customer Records which were repaired after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Any late attempt to repair a record (i.e. resubmission of a Customer Record currently having an error) will count as a late repair for report card purposes. Each repair must be attributed to the date of rejection, not the date on which the repair itself was processed.

Customer Late Repaired Records Rate

Percentage of late repaired Customer Records (Customer Late Repaired Records Count / Customer Records Repaired Count).

Customer Outstanding Records Count

The number of rejected Customer Records for which no repairs were attempted (Customer Records Rejected Count – Customer Records Repaired Count).

Customer Outstanding Record Rate

Percentage of outstanding Customer errors (Customer Outstanding Records Count / Customer Records Rejected Count).

Material Inconsistencies

Material Inconsistencies Error Rate

Percentage of Material Inconsistencies errors (Material Inconsistencies Error Count / Total Material Inconsistencies Count)

Material Inconsistencies Error Count

The total count of Material Inconsistencies errors (Intrafirm Outstanding Count + Intrafirm Late Resolved Count + Interfirm Outstanding Count + Interfirm Late Resolved Count).  

Total Material Inconsistencies Count

The number of initial Material Inconsistencies (Intrafirm Count + Interfirm Count). 

Intrafirm Material Inconsistencies

Intrafirm Count

The number of initial Intrafirm Material Inconsistencies.

Intrafirm Resolved Count

The number of Intrafirm Material Inconsistencies that were resolved.

Intrafirm Resolved Rate

Percentage of resolved Intrafirm Material Inconsistencies (Intrafirm Resolved Count / Intrafirm Count).

Intrafirm Late Resolved Count

The number of Intrafirm Material Inconsistencies that were resolved after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Intrafirm Late Resolved Rate

Percentage of Intrafirm Material Inconsistencies resolved after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET (Intrafirm Late Resolved Count / Intrafirm Resolved Count).

Intrafirm Outstanding Count

The number of Intrafirm Material Inconsistencies for which no repairs were attempted (Intrafirm Count – Intrafirm Resolved Count).

Intrafirm Outstanding Rate

Percentage of outstanding Intrafirm Material Inconsistencies (Intrafirm Outstanding Count / Intrafirm Count).

Interfirm Material Inconsistencies

Interfirm Count

The number of initial Interfirm Material Inconsistencies. 

Interfirm Resolved Count

The number of Interfirm Material Inconsistencies that were resolved.

Interfirm Resolved Rate

Percentage of resolved Interfirm Material Inconsistencies (Interfirm Resolved Count / Interfirm Count.

Interfirm Late Resolved Count

The number of Interfirm Material Inconsistencies which were resolved after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Interfirm Late Resolved Rate

Percentage of Interfirm Material Inconsistencies resolved after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET (Interfirm Late Resolved Count / Interfirm Resolved Count).

Interfirm Outstanding Count

The number of Interfirm Material Inconsistencies records for which no repairs were attempted (Interfirm Count – Interfirm Resolved Count).

Interfirm Outstanding Rate

Percentage of outstanding Interfirm Material Inconsistencies (Interfirm Outstanding Count / Interfirm Count).



CAIS Daily Compliance Glossary

Field Name


CAIS Compliance Error Rate

FDID Late Repairs + FDID Outstanding Records + Customer Late Repairs + Customer Outstanding Records / FDID Records Processed + Customer Records Processed

Reporter CRD

CRD number assigned to each Reporter in the file.

Record Type

FDID, Customer

FDID Aggregated Statistics

FDID Records Processed

For each Reporter, this statistic indicates the number of FDID Records that were submitted to CAIS via any submission method on each date. An FDID Record submitted in multiple submissions over the course of the month would be counted each time it is submitted. Each processed record is attributed to the date of processing.

FDID Records Accepted

For each Reporter, this statistic indicates the number of FDID submission records that were accepted into CAIS with no data validation errors on each date. Each accepted record is attributed to the date of processing.

FDID Records Rejected

For each Reporter, this statistic indicates the number of FDID submission records that were rejected on each date by the CAIS validation engine due to the FDID submission having at least one data validation error. Each rejected record is attributed to the date of processing.

FDID Timely Repairs

This statistic indicates the number of outstanding rejected FDIDs that were repaired prior to T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

FDID Late Repairs

This statistic indicates the number of outstanding rejected FDIDs that were repaired after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Any late attempt to repair a record (i.e. resubmission of an FDID currently having an error) will count as a late repair for report card purposes. Each repair is attributed to the date of rejection, not the date on which the repair itself was processed.

FDID Outstanding Records

This statistic indicates the number of rejected FDID submission records for which no repairs were attempted. Outstanding Records = rejected records count - repaired records count

FDID Error Rate

FDID Error Rate = (FDID Outstanding Records + FDID Late Repairs / FDID Records Processed), converted to a percentage value.

Customer Aggregated Statistics

Customer Records Processed

For each Reporter, this statistic indicates the numberof Customer submission records that were submitted to CAIS via any submission method on each date. A Customer record submitted in multiple submissions over the course of the month would be counted each time it is submitted. Each processed record is attributed to the date of processing.

Customer Records Accepted

For each Reporter, this statistic indicates the number of Customer submission records that were accepted into CAIS with no data validation errors on each date. Each accepted record is attributed to the date of processing.

Customer Records Rejected

For each Reporter, this statistic indicates the number of Customer submission records that were rejected on each date by the CAIS validation engine due to the Customer submission having at least one data validation error. Each rejected record is attributed to the date of processing.

Customer Timely Repairs

This statistic indicates the number of outstanding rejected Customer submissions that were repaired prior to T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Customer Late Repairs

This statistic indicates the number of outstanding rejected Customer submissions that were repaired after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Any late attempt to repair a record (i.e. resubmission of a Customer Record currently having an error) will count as a late repair for report card purposes. Each repair is attributed to the date of rejection, not the date on which the repair itself was processed.

Customer Outstanding Records

This statistic indicates the number of rejected Customer submission records for which no repairs were attempted. Outstanding Records = rejected records count – repaired records count

Customer Error Rate

Customer Error Rate = (Customer Outstanding Records + Customer Late Repairs / Customer Records Processed), converted to a percentage value.

Inconsistencies Statistics*

Error Identification Date

Date inconsistency was identified.

Submitter ID

Assigned identifier for the firm that submitted data to CAIS.

Reporter CRD

CRD number assigned to each Reporter in the file.

Correspondent CRD

CRD number of a correspondent firm.

Intrafirm Total Record Count

This statistic indicates the total number of Intrafirm Inconsistencies.

Intrafirm Timely Resolved Count

This statistic indicates the number of outstanding Intra firm errors that were resolved prior to T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Intrafirm Late Resolved Record Count

This statistic indicates the number of outstanding Intra firm errors that were resolved after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Intrafirm Outstanding Record Count

This statistic indicates the number of rejected Intrafirm records for which no repairs were attempted.

Interfirm Total Record Count

This statistic indicates the total number of Interfirm Inconsistencies.

Interfirm Timely Resolved Record Count

This statistic indicates the number of outstanding Inter firm errors that were resolved prior to T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Interfirm Late Resolved Record Count

This statistic indicates the number of outstanding Inter firm errors that were resolved after T+3 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Interfirm Outstanding Record Count

This statistic indicates the number of rejected Interfirm records for which no repairs were attempted.

*Material Inconsistencies are not included in the CAIS Compliance Error Rate